5pm Oly for Monday

Technique Focus: The Jerk
3 x 3 strict press, push press, push jerk, and split jerk with light weight

Clean and Jerk
Working up to a heavy 95% x 1 then back down to 90% x 1

Working up to a heavy 95% x 1 then back down to 90% x 1

5pm Oly for Wednesday

Technique Focus: Posterior Chain, Shoulders and Core Activation

Technique Primer: Muscle snatch and Push Jerk with Snatch grip 3 x (3+3) with light weight

Power Snatch
70% 3 x 1
75% 3 x 1
80% 3 x 1

Split Jerk
70% 3 x 1
75% 3 x 1
80% 3 x 1

70% 5 x 1
75% 5 x 1
80% 5 x 1

Everything is on the minute for Wednesday’s workout