PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TANK TOP TUESDAY or in Kevin’s case NO SHIRT TUESDAY at 619 : )As many of you know already Kevin Kaiser of 619 San Diego Personal Training 619 is one step closer to reaching his goal of becoming a fighter jet pilot in The U.S. Navy. We are very impressed by this young man’s commitment to excellence. He has set the standard at 619 for discipline, determination, work ethic, leading by example, and content of character. His maturity and core values embody what being a 619 San Diego Personal Trainingter is all about. We invite you to train side by side with him as he prepares for OCS, it will be an unforgettable experience you will never forget. We have 5 weeks of training to go with Kevin let’s bring it to another level with our Stamina and Endurance in the coming weeks with our spiritual leader’s quest for dominance at OCS.

Monday at 619


10 Minutes to Find your Vertical Tire Jump Leap Max, 10 Attempts.
10 Rope Ascents


2 to 3 Minute Rest Intervals with Wrist and Front Rack Mobility Focus in between sets
Elite 6 x 2 Back Squat @85 to 95% of 1RM
Intermediate 6 x 8 Back Squat @70 to 80% of 1RM

WORKOUT 3 For Time

400 Meter Run then,

100/65 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

Then 400 Meter Run

Workout 4

Elite 100 GHD Sit Ups for Quality then 500 Meter Row for Time
Intermediate 100 Straight Leg Sit Ups 500 Meter Row for Time

Tuesday at 619

Workout 1 For Quality

Elite 10 Core Trike Laps
Intermediate 5 Core Trike Laps

Workout 2 For Quality

5 Prowler Runs
Elite 90#/Intermediate25#

Workout 3 For Time

21 Deadlifts 225/155#
42 Double Unders
21 Box Jumps 24/20″
15 Deadlifts 245/175#
30 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
9 Deadlifts 265/195#
18 Double Unders
9 Box Jumps 24/20″
then 800 Meter Run…

Workout 4 for Quality

Low Back and Lower Extremity Mobility for a Minimum of 20 Minutes


Workout 1

10 Muscle Ups for Practice and Quality

Workout 2

Gymnastics Skillwork and
Handstands for Practice and Quality

Workout 3

619 San Diego Personal Training WOD “Helen”

Workout 4

2000 Meter Row for Time

Workout 5

Clean and Jerk
Front Squat with Coach Edgar and Evelyn from E2OlyFit


Workout 2

Elite 30 Kettlebell Snatches for Quality
Intermediate 30 Clean and Press for Practice

Workout 3 For Time

10 Handstand Push Ups
400 Meter Run
10 Wall Walks
20 Toes to Bar
30 V Ups
40 Burpees
30 V Ups
20 Toes to Bar
10 Wall Walks
400 Meter Run

Workout 3

200 Double Unders For Time

Workout 4

USD Loop For Time

Workout 5

Upper Body Mobility for Quality


Workout 1

10 Bar Pull Over to Bar Muscle Up

Workout 2

5 Rounds for Time

15 Overhead Squats 95/65#
400 Meter Run

Workout 3

2 x 500 Meter Row 2 Minute Rest