
Team WOD

200 Meter Partner Carry
60 Tire Jumps
60 Push Press 115/75
60 Toes to Bar
200 Double Unders
60 Thrusters 115/75
60 Sit Ups
60 Partner Wall Balls
200 Meter Partner Carry

dedicate 15 minutes toward your


7 x 2 Squat Clean

WOD #1
10 Minutes EMOM 3 Dumbell Snatches L/R 80/50#
WOD #2
2000 Meter Row

and hit your shoulder mobility

Saturday Team WOD

100 Pull Ups
400 Meter Run
200 OH Walking Lunges 35/15#
400 Meter Run
100 V Ups
400 Meter Run
200 Squats


Hang Power Snatch Skillwork

Overhead Squats 95/65
Double Unders
then 500 Meter Row
Kettlebell Swings
then 500 Meter Row


5 x 5 Push Press

12 Minute AMRAP of:
(with a partner and one barbell)
1 Power Clean (Heavy)
2 Power Clean
3 Power Clean
*One athlete works while the other rests. If Jerome and Matt are partners, Jerome does one rep then Matt does one rep. Jerome does two reps and then Matt does two. Jerome does three reps and Matt does three reps. That’s one round. They would then repeat the same sequence, 1.2.3…1.2.3…
Partial rounds count. Score as complete rounds + extra reps (ie, 4+6).
*Pick a challenging weight for both folks. (Team sticks with same weight for both people)


5 x 5 Back Squats

619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD

10 Minute Every Minute on the Minute of
5 Front Squats (must clean from the floor) 135/95
5 Hand Release Push-ups
2 minutes rest
12 Minute AMRAP of:
Cash In with a 400 Meter Run then,
5 Deadlifts 185/115#
10 Goblet Squats (70/53)
20 Weighted Step ups (with KB or DB)

Wednesday WOD
No Warm Up!!! Be like a light switch and be able to turn it on at a moments notice

619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
1 Mile Run

Focus on Mobilty with the remainder of class time


5 x 5 Front Squats

8 minute AMRAP “A”
12 step-back lunges (6 each leg) with 35/15# plate Overhead
10 T2B
-60 second rest-
8 minute AMRAP “B”
12 alternating dumbbell snatch 80/50#
200 meter Medicine Ball Run


5 x 5 Deadlift

619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD 1
Ascending ladder 1 to 10
Hand release Burpees
500 Meter Row Cash Out