1. Take 10 Minutes to find Max Handstand Walk Distance

2. 5 x 5 Heavy Thrusters 3-5 Minute Rest Intervals

3. 3 to 9 Ring Muscle Ups Rest as Needed

3 to 4 Minute Rest Intervals

Back Squats
20 Hollow Rocks Between Sets
Grind Pecs with LaCrosse Ball
Front Squats
10 V Ups Between Sets
Grind Deltoids with LaCrosse Ball

3 rounds of:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Overhead Squats (135, 95#)
10 Burpees

X. 30 X 3 GHD Sit Ups

Y. Foam Roller for Lower Extremity

Z. 500 Meter Row X 2 (3 Minute Rest LaCrosse Ball Between Scapulae)