

Kayaking/Snorkeling $25 at La Jolla Shores this Sunday 0700am and 0830am.  Spots are limited, reserve your timeslot sooner than later : )


Supplemental Skill/Strength

3 x 18 ft Handstand Walks
5 x 3 Snatch Push Press
7 x 1 Snatch Balance
5 x 1 Overhead Squat


Back Squat
6 x 10
Ring Muscle Ups or ( Rope Climbs )
6 x 3 ( 2 )
Every 3 Minutes


Back Squat
1 x 20

Workout of The Day

5 Rounds
5 Man Makers 45/35 35/25 25/15
400 Meter Run

There are several variations to The Man Maker Exercise. The closest I found to “The 619 Way” is in the video below. We do the push-up before the renegade row.  I love the hilariously cheesy 1980’s song playing in the background : )