
Incline Bench (Dumbells)
6 x 8-10
GHD Sit Ups
6 x 20-25
Every 2:30 Minutes

Weighted Dips
6 x 8-10
Side Bends
6 x 15/15
Every 2:30 Minutes

Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
3 x
Heavy Goblet Squats
3 x 12
Every 2 Minutes

Workout of The Day
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups


Back Squat
7 x 7
French Press
7 x 10-15
Every 2:30 Minutes

Walking Lunges bb
3 x 20
Hollow Rocks
3 x 30
Every 3 Minutes

Romanian Deadlift
3 x 12
Knees to Elbows
3 x 12
Every 3 Minutes

Workout of The Day
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Pistols
20 Dumbell Snatches 70/40
30 Double Unders


V Grip Pull Ups
5 x 10-12
V Ups
5 x 10-20
Every 3:00

Single Arm Row or Seated Cable Row
5 x 10
Dynamic Plank
5 x 30
Every 2 Minutes

5 Rounds
10 Push Ups
10 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Ring Rows


1000 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
1000 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
1000 Meter Row


Overhead Squat
5 x 5
Rope Climb
5 x 3
Every 2 Minutes

Front Squat
5 x 8
Toes to Bar
5 x 12-15
Every 3 Minutes

Workout of The Day
50 Wall Balls for Time
50 GHD Sit Ups for Time
50 Burpees for Time

1 Minute Rest

10 Minutes Stairmaster