Please post your WOD results to the blog AND WASH YOUR STINKY KNEE SLEEVES


Supplemental Gymnastics
96’ Handstand Walk
6 x 5 (2) Ring Muscle Ups
3 x 10 (6) Strict Handstand Push Ups

Supplemental Power
7 x 1 Snatch Balance
7 x 1 Hang Snatch
7 x 2 Snatch Deadlift with 2 Second Pause at Launch Position


6 Rounds Every Minute on The Minute
Minute 1: 3 Power Cleans 225/185 205/155 185/135 155/105
Minute 2: :30 Second L Hang
Minute 3: :30 Second L Sit

Workout of The Day
For Total Calories
16 Minute Time Cap
200 Meter Sprint
25 Double Unders
200 Meter Sprint
50 Double Unders
200 Meter Sprint
75 Double Unders
200 Meter Sprint
100 Double Unders
Row for Calories