Arnold Scharzennegger’s Six Rules for Success
1. Trust yourself and become who YOU want to be? What makes YOU happy? No matter what anyone else thinks, trust that you can become who you want to be.

2. Break the rules. Think outside the box. You want to be the best. You need to do something no one else has ever done before.

3. Don’t be afraid to fail. Every success comes from a willingness to fail. Fear can paralyze. If you have no fear, you will push yourself harder.

4. Don’t listen to the haters. Others will say you can’t do that – screw them. Do it anyway.

5. Work your ass off. No pain, no gain. If you want to be successful there is no way around hard, hard work. Out work everyone. No other rule will work without hard work.

6. Give back. Reaching out and giving will bring you more satisfaction than anything else you can do.

Our programming at 619 is designed for Advanced and Elite athletes (Level 1) but we are very happy and willing to scale or modify workouts to accommodate Level 2,3 athletes. All 619 athletes have a Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence no matter what their fitness level is. If doing the minimum to get by is your approach to health and fitness then 619 is probably not a good fit for you. Anybody can open a gym but it takes a team of goal oriented and like-minded individuals to create and maintain a culture of excellence. Progress, Results, Fun, and Awesomeness ALL DAY!!!

Rest Intervals
Nutrition and Hydration
All dictate training results/effect.

Please maintain an exercise journal if you are motivated by results and take your health and fitness level seriously. Your coach’s support, encouragement, and positive energy is guaranteed when they see you journaling your progress by staying goal oriented.



Back Squat
5 x 3 Climbing 3 to 5 Minute Rest Intervals
5 x 7 Climbing for Level 2,3 Athletes 2 to 3 Minute Rest Intervals

Front Squat
4 x 5 Climing 3 to 5 Minute Rest Intervals
4 x 10 Climbing Level 2,3 Athletes 2 to 3 Minute Rest Intervals

WOD #1

5 Rounds
10 Back Squats 135/95
10 Handstand Push Ups
200 Meter Run

WOD #2

Half Cindy 10 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Air Squats

WOD #3
100 GHD Sit Ups


Power and Strength Development

Power or Squat Snatch
8 x 1 On The Minute

Bench Press
5 x 5 (8) Every 3 Minutes

Power or Squat Clean
8 x 1 On the Minute

WOD #1

619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD “Efficient Elizabeth”
5 Rounds
9 Cleans 185/135 for Level 1, 155/85 Level 2 , 135/95 for Level 3
9 Ring Dips for Level 1 and Level 2,3 on The Dip Bars

WOD #2
4 Rounds
20 Kettlebell Snatches
20 Wall Balls
20 Sit Ups

3 WOD Wednesday

WOD #1
12 Minute On The Minute
12 Pull Ups on Even Minutes
12 Pistols on Odd Minutes

WOD #2
15 Minute AMRAP
50 Wall Balls
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps, 24/20
40 Toes to Bar
30 Burpees
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

WOD #3
3 X 1000 Meter Row with 3 Minute Rest Intervals


WOD #1

16 Minutes on The Minute
8 x 3 (5) Front Squats on Even Minutes
8 x 3 Rope Climbs on Even Minutes

WOD #2
4 Rounds
3 Hang Cleans
6 Deadlifts
12 Front Rack Walking Lunges
15 Toes to Bar


WOD #1
20 Minutes Every Minute on The Minute
6 Alternating Dumbell Snatches Even Minutes
12 Dumbell Sidebends on Left and Right Sides


Bench Press
5 x 5 (8)

Push Press
3 x 5 (8)

WOD #2

3 Rounds
10 Clean and Jerk or Press 135/95
200 Meter Run
250 Meter Row