Thank you to everyone who joined us on Saturday for the Summer Challenge Kick Off! You can still join and buy-in to the challenges (Nutrition and Personal Record) until Wednesday June 12th.

To answer a few questions that we have received:

For the PR challenge you are welcome to work on your 1 Rep, 3 Rep, or 5 Rep max depending your experience level. If you are not sure where to begin, ask a coach and they can help you determine your level.

For the nutrition challenge, if your current goal is to gain weight than we can use the percentage change for your weight gain instead of loss. Also, regarding protein powders . . . you can absolutely add protein powder to your personal nutrition plan and food journal – you will receive a point for food journaling that day. You will not receive an additional point for eating from the Chris Keith Maintenance Food Plan, as we only include natural foods on that list.

If you have additional questions please email Coach A’verria at averria@619 San Diego Personal

Special Announcement: We will be having bay workouts at De Anza cove Saturdays at 8:00 am for the remainder of the summer! Please come out and join us!!!


Power Development

12 x 2 EMOM Clean and Jerk

If you are doing The PR Challenge Find your 1 Rep Max


Strict aka Military Press

5 x 3 (5,8)

WOD #1

5 Rounds
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
10 Air Squats

WOD #2

5 Rounds
20 Side to Side
20 Double Unders


Back Squat
5 x 3 (5,8)
External Rotation for Rotator Cuff with Indian Clubs or Weight Plates
5 x 10

Front Squat
5 x 3 (5,8)
Sub Scapula Rotator Cuff Flexibility
During Rest Intervals


Max Kettlebell Swings and Double Unders Consecutive

500 Meter Row and 1 Mile Run Time


Find your 1 Rep Max

Clean and Jerk
Dumbell Snatch
Dumbell Clean and Jerk

Max Rep Pull Ups

Kettlebell Swings
Double Unders


2K Row for Time


Jerk and Handstand Push Up Skillwork

619 San Diego Personal Training Hero WOD “Hammer”

5 Rounds , Each Round for Time 90 Second Rest between rounds

5 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
5 Jerks
20 Pull Ups